Hon. Justice Wangutusi (middle) with other stakeholders at the launch of the Small Claims Procedure in Sironko
SIRONKO: With all the ongoing preparations for the 57th Independence Day celebrations that were held in Sironko District,the Judiciary still managed to pull a crowd at the launch of Small Claims Procedure (SCP) at Sironko Chief Magistrate's Court.
The launch was presided over by the Head of Commercial Division of the High Court, Hon. Justice David K. Wangutusi.
Hon. Justice Wangutusi applauded the Chief Magistrate, HW James Ereemye, and the Magistrate Grade One Magistrate HW Kitiyo Patrick for their excellent work.
To the public and court users,
Hon. Justice Wangutusi recommended the usage of SCP to handle civil matters whose value does not exceed Shs 10M. Adding that one does not require any legal representation.
"The parties to a small claim are mediated by a judicial officer to reach a quick agreement, avoiding technical procedures, excluding lawyers, consequently shortening the usually lengthy and costly court process," he said amidst a deafening applause from the eager court users.
Hon. Justice Wangutusi said that with the procedure, the parties have no room for appealing but in case they find new evidence that can change the outcome of the case,they can apply for review.
Mr. Herbert Mulekwa the Sironko District Chairman said the procedure will help in quick delivery of justice.
"So many relationships have been soiled due to debts, people have lost property and many are languishing in prisons just because they failed to honor their debts. This procedure I believe will help in amicable resolution of disputes," he said.
The Chief Magistrate thanked the Chairman and his team for allocating 20 acres of land for construction of prisons and four plots for construction of a police station. He however requested the Judge that they construct the DPP offices closer to Sironko court instead of Bulambuli.
He also thanked the JLOS institutions representatives for always involving the Judiciary whenever they hold bazaars in the different parts of the district.
Ag.Registrar Small Claims Procedure, HW Lillian Bucyana, witnessed the rollout exercise.
Other stakeholders present included Justice Centers Uganda, Community Service, Mbale Remand Home, Police, Prisons, the Directorate of Public Prosecution, Probation,the district leadership as well as religious leaders.
Posted 7th, October 2019